Thinking about health, the differing ways we
try to maintain it, through intercession from 'above',
needles, knives, pills, potions, shamans, doctors et al.
(I like an occasional tune-up for the body from
a particular practicioner of cranio-sacral osteopathy.)
Real well-being is more about enjoying this moment as it is,
wouldn't you agree?
These gorgeous & healthy looking children are in Kerala.
(photo by Michael Wholohan)
Have a look at Richard Lang video if you haven't already

I made a series of small paintings, years ago, about the homeopathic
remedies that produce certain kinds of dreams. These 3 are
Phosphorus, Silicea & Lycopodium. There were words & trance
inductions to go with them. All sold in an exhibition.
Today I heard the news at 6 am, of a tsunami in Samoa
& the Cook Islands area. Someone very close to me has been
sailing in the area for 10 days. I was truly relieved to hear
they are ok, ~ they felt the earthquake (8.3 !), & saw enough
to act with speed & get the hell away from the island
they were moored near. Too close for comfort, I'd say..
I should hear more in next couple of days.