After Hanoi we went to Hue, the old imperial capital.
the most romantically evocative place
my camera ran out of power, so I'll have to return;
the whole place is drenched in a poetic beauty,
it hurts to think what they've been through.

Then it was to Hoi An, a small town where the people
seem happy to see tourists ~ & we go there, too, in great numbers ~
& it's a little like a film set that's been flambouyantly
art directed. Though it could be simply a happy aesthetic.
If you are tired of snaps & want the real thing, go
hereI should add though: I'm saving my 'best' photos.

More shots from the Indochina trip, can't seem to move
them to my preferred order: started in Bangkok,
I really like Thai buddhas, the temples, the river,
the way there's always something interesting to see,
& the lovely people. Foul air of course..
Next time perhaps I'll stay
here,though the
Aurum hotel was delightful.