Here are all 5 of my books:
Images from the I Ching was the first, you may still find
used copies. 64 paintings of the hexagrams, I also wrote
the comment on each, Ralph Metzner wrote the foreword.
Published by Craftsman House.

A Family Frying Pan was the 3rd book, I illustrated
Bryce Courtenay's stories

Before that I illustrated A Recipe for Dreaming,
with small paintings, words by Bryce Courtenay,
& several years later we did another edition, this time with
my altered photographs; the 2nd edition top was published by
Penguin, (still available), while the 1st edition above is
no doubt available at Australian 2nd hand booksellers.

My 5th book is Burning Questions, it's available from
here ~ where you can also see further pages, they are
mostly my paintings, a few photographs,
Isaac Shapiro's words. You can also purchase from
Dear Anie, I abgsolutely love the images from your I CHING - book and have never seen any images that speak to me so "i - ching" as yours. What a sensitivity and how much talent!
Thanks, dear Kiki. I still throw the I Ching sometimes, don't you? When I was making the images, I'd consult it often, & was many times blown away with its wisdom.
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