
Today the light is wet, tropical; top were in Maui, below at
Springbrook in south east Queensland. I love how both places
look, except for leeches.

These are more the colours I grew up with.. dry.
Lower left is Bali, ( we usually think green, no?) the others
in Mexico, north & south.
San Cristobal de las Casas, gets 2 wet seasons yearly, though
it can look dry when farms are burning off.

Here I was in Colorado. With no early experience
of cold winters, I found the light deceptive, was often very
surprised when I stepped outside.
an interesting mix to end the year:
mayo-nmg, latartinegourmande, dataisnature, walterspies

The kind of decoration I tune in to in Thailand & Laos..
there may be just as much grossly executed graffiti
there, I just can't read it.There's certainly lots
of advertising. & tons of rubbish.. so, like everything else,
it's where your focus is. Or what filters one is seeing through.
(Still don't care for ordinary graffiti!)
From sfgirlbybay, who's on a list of 50 best design blogs
I quite often check out hers & many on that list;
should probably 'subscribe' to some & add some gadgets
but, so far, prefer to keep it simple.
there may be just as much grossly executed graffiti
there, I just can't read it.There's certainly lots
of advertising. & tons of rubbish.. so, like everything else,
it's where your focus is. Or what filters one is seeing through.
(Still don't care for ordinary graffiti!)
From sfgirlbybay, who's on a list of 50 best design blogs
I quite often check out hers & many on that list;
should probably 'subscribe' to some & add some gadgets
but, so far, prefer to keep it simple.

About the only piece of graffiti that I like in Byron ~ in fact
I'm not a big fan at all. & it's probably not graffiti, it covers
a sort of shipping container, making very good use of the ribs
of construction etc. Walking in my town during the
various festivals, events, & holidays is depressing, it looks dirty
& unkempt. Why do so many people throw their
trash anywhere, smash bottles, & generally foul the nest?
Here, it's probably related to the big increase in
liquor outlets open long hours.
reformschoolrules ~ fun posters etc
I'm not a big fan at all. & it's probably not graffiti, it covers
a sort of shipping container, making very good use of the ribs
of construction etc. Walking in my town during the
various festivals, events, & holidays is depressing, it looks dirty
& unkempt. Why do so many people throw their
trash anywhere, smash bottles, & generally foul the nest?
Here, it's probably related to the big increase in
liquor outlets open long hours.
reformschoolrules ~ fun posters etc

last evening the clouds were marvellous, a cool breeze after
a hot day.. so many different moods to each beach.
Best of all I love how the ocean can quieten people.
We all had a beautiful day, a meeting with Isaac & Meike
a hot day.. so many different moods to each beach.
Best of all I love how the ocean can quieten people.
We all had a beautiful day, a meeting with Isaac & Meike

Thought the figures top right & lower left were familiar as I'd
seen similar ones in Vientiane top left, but found this sketch
in an old drawing book from about 1971, I'd been on a trek
in the golden triangle, opium was still in evidence, then.
Also in northern Thailand, looks a different (good) place to stay

One of my 2010 plans is to get more photos in Chiang Mai
of these paintings, once very fine, now in fragments
& perhaps more inspiring this way, for me.
I heard the fine arts faculty of the university has
accomplished restorers.
As I only saw a fraction of the 300+ temples before,
there's the hope there will be more frescoes.

My small camera still works, plus I've a lot of files,
(played with my photo of the Thai apsara carving for
this year's season's greetings) but perhaps I need a
classical apsara dance

A monthly market today in Byron Bay, it's on a field with
forest nearby, there were a lot of flying foxes settling in there.
Much more low key than this big weekend one in Bangkok;
the antiques & buddhas crowd one section, just about anything
is available there, including wild animals, unfortunately.
Going to Thailand again next year.
I'm staying at a lovely little guest house ,
but how about this beautiful hotel, it even has a big library.
I'm staying at a lovely little guest house ,
but how about this beautiful hotel, it even has a big library.

Dawn at the Gold Coast left & tonight, a storm & some rain.
Do we notice the sky more in Australia than in other places,
or is it just me? How was the Copenhagen conference
allowed to fail?
wild photographs from Estelle Hanania

My sister's first grandson, left. He's a darling, only 2 months old,
or we could have bought some baby ducks.

Their dog is having a hard time sharing the attention of
the new parents. Waiting in the car while it rained, right.
Next day my camera broke. Tragic, I love that CanonG7,
maybe it can be repaired.
the new parents. Waiting in the car while it rained, right.
Next day my camera broke. Tragic, I love that CanonG7,
maybe it can be repaired.

Playing. Away for a while.
Mike & Doug Starn I saw an early show of theirs in New York
or Boston, it was inspiring.

.. decided it was too hot to be on the beach,
so came home again. What a hard life!
Olaf Otto Becker's cool Greenland photos
so came home again. What a hard life!
Olaf Otto Becker's cool Greenland photos
another way

This might be another way through the jungle.
I don't know when or if I'll be near a jungle again.
Wonderful to see them, also very uncomfortable for bodies.
I'd like to zap over to London to see the Turner Prize winner,
Richard Wright, don't you admire his attitude to things too?

Have been playing with this image, don't have suitable
jungle shots, will try something else, maybe. Angkor was
lost to the jungle for ages, & you can still see that, though not
in a "have to hack a path through with a machete" way.
Saw an excerpt of Shaun Tan's latest book, here,
it's a wonder, I've ordered one.
sharp edged

For days there have been winds like the Fohn in Europe,
which sometimes excuses difficult behaviour. Many fires too.
A friend is having a hard time, the details all
hard edged & black & white: this is true, that is bad.
With a rainy day perhaps things would be gentler..
morbid anatomy is fascinating
camille seaman's majestic landscapes
The palm tree seeds fell down in a recent storm, love the colours.
& I expect to see city lights again in a few days.
As you'd know, I dont always take the photo on the day
of the post, I also like to flick through (200+GB of files)
until one says something of the day, more or less.
Impressed by Harry Lee from Melbourne on boingboing

The large seed pods are from an Illawarra Flame tree top
The small ones from a Grevillea, below left. The large red
flower might be a heliconia, I'm not great with names.
Was reminded of pieces by Ivana Perkins
garden history girl ~ interesting stuff
The small ones from a Grevillea, below left. The large red
flower might be a heliconia, I'm not great with names.
Was reminded of pieces by Ivana Perkins
garden history girl ~ interesting stuff

There are many strange hybrid creatures in the sculpture
& decoration of asia, some are friendly, others quite fierce.
I'm feeling grumpy after looking at the stat counter details:
Many downloads of my images, so how come so few comments?
I've deleted the rest of my words as too fierce, but go figure.
Michelle Dawson has great drawings here Dec 11/09.

Saw a photo taken in central Brisbane , 3 pigeons working a
water fountain: 1 sat on the handle while the other 2 drank &
bathed, then they'd change places. & this is just the stuff we
notice, around the things some humans have manufactured,
imagine how much we miss.
Cai Guo-Qiang is an amazing, clever & thought provoking artist.
I do wonder about the animals however, is it taxidermy?
One piece has dozens of wolves, for instance. What do you feel?
large prints

Might pull this apart & do it differently: it got so big, & my
computer so hot, I hurried more than I wanted to. It doesn't
work to have separate files, as you need to see how the whole
thing flows ~ or not. It's so enjoyable making images
from buddhas, & these from Bangkok have such refined &
meditative expressions. They'll be available
as limited edition prints, on paper, about 30 inches wide.
Email me.

Starting to put these together. When I found myself in a
quiet part of a temple in Bangkok, with rows of
golden buddhas behind glass, I was dismayed at the
many reflections. Soon saw the possibilities, though..

the multiple reflections produce a sort of hallucinatory
effect where it's .. where all kinds of outcomes seem possible.
I was there for hours, & no-one else came, not even the
builders whose renovations are mirrored in the glass.
Don't know if I'll get to Alaska, sure hope this guy is still
driving a bus, if I do: David Cartier on Flickr

A local camera shop had a special on photobooks ~ use
your own photos, with a choice of format etc, I did one of
walls, which sometimes include windows & doors.
Have been reading Peter Hoeg's The Quiet Girl,
after weeks of finding no compelling reads, this one has
made my hair stand on end several times.
your own photos, with a choice of format etc, I did one of
walls, which sometimes include windows & doors.
Have been reading Peter Hoeg's The Quiet Girl,
after weeks of finding no compelling reads, this one has
made my hair stand on end several times.

Sections of a few of the buddhas I've joined up,
each from several shots. I'll be doing something different with
them, have enough for several large images.
contemplating the moon
big ones

Our younger sister has been visiting each of us over last weeks.
2 years ago we went north to see her. Photos aren't great
through the windows, but I'm sure I'd never be able to hang
out over space, or however it's done.
Check out Richard Woldendorp's magnificent aerial eye
(what do you suppose that red stuff is?)
2 years ago we went north to see her. Photos aren't great
through the windows, but I'm sure I'd never be able to hang
out over space, or however it's done.
Check out Richard Woldendorp's magnificent aerial eye
(what do you suppose that red stuff is?)
in between
blown away

This one is from a walk a few weeks ago,
but is closer to how I feel today: there's a wind blowing
through my head.
Added Robert Polidori's Versailles to my long Amazon
wishlist, it's currently unavailable,
here's a good interview on bombsite
off road buddha

Maybe you noticed I've added more labels. Didn't want a huge list,
so these altered photos come up under 'digital art', even though
many are, for instance, out the window of a speeding car in
a blizzard (here it's Colorado); it's just me enjoying myself.
As I was this afternoon, listening to Tuvan throat singers on
youtube. Kongar-ol Ondar, & again, & a longer one
If you are new to blogs: you can contact me via a comment,
see under each post/entry; it gets to me as an email,
I can then reply. It saves me getting heaps of spam, supposedly.
Further to the 7 or 8 posts starting Nov23, ~ more or less
about relationships ~ here's a great youtube video.
reality as you know it doesn't exist
so, if you are going through 'something'... relax !
in stone

Ages ago I went to Borobadur, this couple was one of the
myriad beautiful carvings, I think they have been
extensively restored since.
I'd ask some questions ( see last several posts )
but is anyone there? The counter says there's quite a few.
I'd like to hear from you .. just write a comment.
It's what passes for a conversation on blogs.
the marvellous Heather Nevay

A relationship begins.. a dance, a chase, a leap, it's
often exciting, lots of projections too ~
really it's more about imagination than anything

& that yes to experience that we all love,
& would like to hang onto..
My favourite artist Andy Goldsworthy, an interview.

How, when hearts open, we come out of hiding..
& how much still lies hidden
in unconscious patterns. It's impossible to
change them till we see them, isn't it?
Sebastiaan Bremer at Hales gallery
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