Don't ask me why these sardhus came to mind today ~ it's
the same as trying to trace a random thought, or dream.
Sardhus are an amazing phenomena in India,
probably always have been. It means something like
There's a story that Alexander, when meeting some, decided
not to conquer India.

In Varanasi, I used to sit with this sardhu,
at Dassashwamede Ghat, & see pilgrims from all over the country.
He wore an incredible mala, it looked like fossil beads.
There's a big variety of sardhus, some were holy men,
a few were women, & a few were completely off the air.
Dot Krause is a digital & book artist/printer I really admire.
Take the time to go through
Yuniko Samiro's site, his work
has such a happy feel.