The best place to walk here is at a beach.
The main beach has a long thin lagoon along the land side,
at present, with a kind of grass growing left.
Was thinking today about Brother David Steindl Rast,
who spent time with us on one of Stan Grof's wonderful
month long intensives. This youtube video has Rick Tarnis
speaking about Stan's chart. Rick gave me a really
in depth & useful reading while I was at Esalen.
So grateful for the memorable people we met there
& the ideas we were exposed to !
The first is a painting of yours? A photograph??? I LOVE it!
They are both photographs. Quite a lot of my photos
turn out like my paintings.
I love that, my Anie. The day before yesterday was Marcey`s 100th birthday, would have been....
Happy birthday dear Marcy! What a full life she had.
If others dont know what we are speaking of, see the links at right under 'friends', Kiki has a terrific blog with
her drawings & words & interviews.
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